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Dr Laura King

Leeds-HKU Conference: Moving Beyond Research to Engagement and Impact

Speakers and Panelists

Dr Laura King

Dr Laura King
Arts Engaged Research Fellow, School of History, University of Leeds

Creative Collaborations: Effective Engagement with Partner Organisations


This presentation will consider the ingredients needed for successful collaborations with partners from a range of sectors, including local government, heritage, the third sector, health and medicine, the arts, and community groups. It will focus on a number of projects I have worked on, from a current partnership with West Yorkshire Probation Services to collaborative work with the Thackray Medical Museum, as well as reflecting on the Leeds approach to working with partners.

Staff in the Faculty of Arts have worked with a huge number of partners, from institutional partnerships with organisations such as Opera North and Marks & Spencers, to small-scale collaborations with partners around the world. Drawing on this diverse experience, the talk will examine how to ensure mutual benefit from partnerships and explore how to develop innovative and democratic relationships, which value the expertise of our partners as much as the knowledge within the university.


Laura King is an Arts Engaged Research Fellow in the School of History at the University of Leeds. She researches the history of gender and family life, and has recently published Family Men: Fatherhood and Masculinity in Britain, 1914-60 with Oxford University Press. She has worked with local government services, museums, arts organisations and charities to develop collaborative projects, in which historical research has shaped or changed policies, practices and ways of thinking. She is part of Arts Engaged at the University of Leeds, a project which supports engagement beyond the campus.

Presentation slides
