- A Myriad of Voices: Linguistic Diversity and Vitality in Malaysia
- About Thai (Thai Programme)
- Academic Grammar
- 文化領航學程
- Bumthang
- Centre for Applied English Studies - KE
- 人文醫學中心
- Chad Hansen 中國哲學網頁
- 思方網
- Department of History - KE and Impact
- 哲學系知識交流活動
- English for Professional Communication
- 文學院知識交流
- French at HKU e-Learning
- German with Fun
- Glossaries of Bilingual Terms in Chinese and English
- 港言講語: 香港大學香港語言計劃
- 香港英語文學數據庫
- 香港藝術檔案
- 全球化下的香港電影
- Hong Kong Studies HKU Facebook page
- Keyword: Rethinking Hong Kong Cultures
- 醫療話語網頁
- Mercury - academic journal for undergraduate students
- 「香港城市,我們的移民記憶」
- Multilingualism in Malaysia
- 多元的語音,相連的足跡
- Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Theatre in Asia
- Nubri Language Project
- One to One Consultation
- Online Spanish Resources (Spanish Programme)
- Plagiarism and How To Avoid It
- Professional Word Web
- ProWriteHK: One Click to Success
- 傳譯資源網
- School of Chinese - KE
- School of English Alumni
- School of English - KE
- 関東大震災
- The Oral Presentation Skills
- The Writing Machine