KE Spotlight
Bridging Science and Society: The Impact of Forensic Technology on Environmental Protection
Dr Jane Goodall's Inspiring Talk at HKU: A Call to Action for Youth and Society
Transforming Dental Care: The Social Impact of Dentomi's AI Technology

HKU Engineering Team Achieves Milestone in Diamond Fabrication Innovation
Associate Professor Chu Zhiqin from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at HKU has made significant strides in diamond technology, showcasing two groundbreaking innovations: cellular force imaging using diamond-based quantum sensing and a revolutionary method for diamond fabrication.

保护香港手语—— 香港大学以兼容并蓄的方式保护濒危语言
充满活力的香港正展开一项革命性的保育计划,旨在捍卫香港一门濒危的语言——香港手语 (HKSL)。此手语不仅是约 6,000 名聋人的主要沟通方法,更成爲听障社群文化身份中不可或缺的部分。

From Knowledge Exchange to Community Empowerment: The Duling Educational and Cultural Centre’s Success
The Duling Educational and Cultural Centre in Guangxi is a social development project initiated and supported by Project Mingde, a study programme founded by HKU Fellow Professor Nicolas Yeung and his late wife, Lorene in 2003.
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