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KE Spotlight

  • 2024年学院知识交流奖



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  • HKU Impact: Social Media Competition 2024

    HKU Impact: Social Media Competition 2024

    We are delighted to announce the winners of the inaugural "HKU Impact: Social Media Competition"! This competition, organized by the Knowledge Exchange Office (KEO), aimed to encourage HKU research students to showcase the importance of their research theses and discoveries to a wider audience. Participants utilized various social media platforms to engage with the community. The champion and 1st runner-up were selected by the adjudicating panel. The winners this year are:

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  • 2023年学院知识交流奖



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  • 2022年学院知识交流奖



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  • Yearly KE Funding Scheme for Strategic Impact

    Yearly KE Funding Scheme for Strategic Impact

    To encourage projects that have the potential to create significant impact, KEO has introduced the Strategic Impact scheme in 2022/23 to provide enhanced funding support for projects that fall under the following seven strategic themes. These strategic themes have been identified having regard to a survey on key global and regional research and KE trends, research prowess of HKU, and potential for contribution to HKU’s KE strategy.

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  • 香港蚝孵化场设计及营运工作坊


    在南中国的河口地区养殖的香港蚝(Crassostrea hongkongensis)占全球食用蚝产量的四分之一。 香港蚝是一种富含蛋白质和微量元素的海鲜,主要消费者为不断增长的中产阶级。因此,生蚝养殖的持续增长对於海鲜供应至关重要。然而,由 於开垦导致河口栖息地减少和污染导致环境质量恶化,生蚝养殖业面临重大挑战——这些人类造成的影响不仅直接影响这些地区产出的蚝的品 质,还严重影响野生蚝苗的生产和采集。收集到的少数野生蚝苗也会遭受大量死亡,而且野生蚝 苗的表现通常无法预测。因此,中国及香港地区 的可持续水产养殖现在严重依赖孵化场生产的蚝苗。为了对香港的可持续水产养殖做出贡献,最 近香港特别行政区资助香港大学建立一个以研究 为基础的香港蚝孵化场,以开发新的孵化技术, 以使香港及其周边地区的水产养殖业现代化。该计画已在几个月前与香港蚝养殖户和李锦记有限公司共同合作启动。现在,我们已经建立了孵化 场并完成了试运营行,将为为养殖户提供孵化场 设计和运营方面的培训。

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  • 2022 Virtual Asia-Pacific 3MT competition

    2022 Virtual Asia-Pacific 3MT competition

    HKU has registered to participate in the 2022 Virtual Asia-Pacific 3MT competition. The competition draws over 55 universities across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong registered to participate this year.

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